Saturday, 18 August 2012

September 8th is the new dismantling date. Lot 22, back row, Vanscoy Trailer Court

The ORT hearing was postponed until Wednesday August 22 at 10:30 AM.  This should be the last time.  I will give notice and should be out of here within a few days after September 8th.   Most of the small stuff is gone.  I am in the attic getting the insulation down in the mornings before it gets hot and then follow the shade around the building.  Gerry has been hauling a load after a 10 hour shift during the week.  We did not get back until after 1 AM on Thursday.   Can anyone recommend a roofing company around Outlook.  The house I bought needs a new roof and lots more.  I will start at the top and work my way down.  I have most of what is needed for repairs.  It will look a lot better with new roof, doors and windows.   I will post after the ORT hearing on Wednesday.

Friday, 17 August 2012

dismantling of the building has been delayed until September 8 and 9

The dismantling of the building has been delayed until September 8 and 9.   I had trailers but no truck to pull the 53 ft step deck trailer.   I have a 53 ft, 20 ft flat deck and a 10 ft trailer.  

Monday, 13 August 2012

As some of you know the landlady has raised my rent by 88%.  This is in retaliation for my helping Gloria.   Gloria did the only thing she could, she moved.  She still has Peter harassing her on the phone.   I am doing the same as Gloria, moving out next weekend the 18th of August.

I purchased a older house on two 50ft lots.  Any plans on my retirement at the Vanscoy Trailer Court are over.  

Peter has damaged my propane line and tapes cardboard over my security cameras when I am not home. Everyone says call the cops. I have, so did Gloria. Its not that the RCMP do not want to do something, its they can not do anything.

I will need help to take this place apart. It is for the most part screwed together using screws that fit a square red handled screw driver. I have three 18v drivers. Any sections with windows or doors can be kept together and moved in sections. The floor is all 4X8 or 4X6 sections. The building is 14X44 ft. I have one safety harnesses for anyone on the roof. If anyone has another one I could borrow that would be a great help. I have two trailers so far that I can use. The camping trailer inside is 30 ft long and has a good strong roof for standing on for the roof rafters.  Please bring your own drill and hammer.

The house and property where I am moving to is secure.  I can not leave anything at the trailer court outside overnight so I will stay in the camper until everything has been moved.   The camping trailer will be the last to leave.  My main concern is to get the building dismantled on the weekend of the 18th of August.  I have two trailers and will load them with the heavy stuff when I have help.   You are also welcome to just come and watch, but you will need to bring your own chair.  I will rent a covered truck van for the insulation and other stuff that can not go on a open trailer.